
Annual School Oral Health Program Poster Contest Accepting Submissions
The annual School Oral Health Program (SOHP) poster contest is accepting submissions throughout February from Maine public school students in preschool through sixth grade...

Saving Lives from a Preventable Disease: Preventing and Treating Cervical Cancer in Equatorial Guinea
Cervical cancer ranks as the second most frequent cancer among women in Equatorial Guinea as well as women between the ages of 14 and 44, according to the HPV Information Centre...

Training Strengthens Care for People with Substance Use Disorder
Substance use disorder (SUD) touches every community within the U...

A Time to Reflect: Success and Continued Work in Preventing HIV/AIDS
Luc Armel NKALA MFOULOU is no stranger to managing and implementing different initiatives to prevent HIV/AIDS in Gabon...

MCD’s Response to the World Health Organization’s 2023 World Malaria Report
Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its 2023 World Malaria Report that highlights the intersection between malaria and climate change, as well as other challenges that threaten hard-earned gains in malaria control and elimination...

Advocating for Underserved Communities in Maine: Two Community Health Workers Share Their Stories
MCD Global Health (MCD) is implementing a multi-year Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Program to provide CHW core competency training, enhanced upskill training, and opportunities to participate in a Maine-certified CHW apprenticeship program, with a grant from the U...

Healthy Lincoln County Receives Grant to Strengthen Partnerships with Local Farms, Farmers Markets
Healthy Lincoln County (HLC), a program of MCD Global Health located in Lincoln County, Maine, was recently awarded a $500,000 grant from the U...

Join MCD Global Health at the 2023 APHA Conference
From November 12–15, the annual American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, with the theme, “Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges...

MCD’s Project ECHO® Team Releases Free Toolkit on Mental Health Promotion in School Settings
MCD Global Health’s Project ECHO® team recently launched a new toolkit, “Mental Health Promotion in the School Setting ECHO®,” a free, six-session series available on Telehealth Classroom for those who work in school settings or child and adolescent mental health...

Join MCD Global Health at ASTMH’s 2023 Conference
From October 18 to 22, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) annual meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, bringing attendees back together in person for the second time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, along with a livestream option for those who cannot join in person...

Using Lived Experience to Help Others in Recovery Find Hope
Content warning: This story explores aspects of addiction and mental health and contains topics on child abuse, self-harm, substance use, and suicide...

Upgrading Malaria Case Management: A Milestone in Equatorial Guinea’s National Health Development Plan
MCD Global Health’s Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project (BIMEP) team successfully updated national guidelines and developed training manuals that provide protocols for malaria diagnosis, treatment, patient monitoring, and prevention in Equatorial Guinea...

MCD Part of Consortium to Advance Health and Malaria Services in Niger
Led by Palladium, MCD Global Health (MCD) is part of a consortium that was awarded the five-year U...

Improving the Health of Maine’s Children Through Nutrition and Activity
From 2018 through 2023, 741 early care and education (ECE) providers who serve more than 15,100 children in Maine received support, programming, and technical assistance from the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP), launched by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and MCD Global Health...

Bridging Health Care: Connecting Primary Care and Specialty Care through Technology
For those who live in the rural communities along Maine’s rugged Downeast coast, the decision of whether or not to go to a doctor’s appointment can be complex...

Healthy Lincoln County Awarded Two Grants for Farm to School, Substance Use Prevention
Healthy Lincoln County (HLC), a project of MCD Global Health that operates in Lincoln County, Maine, has been awarded two different grants to improve nutritious food options for local youth as well as prevent substance use prevention...

MCD’s 2022 Annual Report Now Available
MCD Global Health has released its 2022 Annual Report, the first annual report since MCD rebranded in June 2022...

Celebrating 20 Years of Public-Private Partnership’s Malaria Elimination Project in Equatorial Guinea
With intensive year-round transmission, malaria has been a leading health problem for the people of Equatorial Guinea...

Maine-based Nonprofit Building the Community Health Worker Workforce
MCD Global Health (MCD), a public health nonprofit, is leading the training and advancement of the community health worker (CHW) profession here in Maine and nationwide...

Back to the Basics: Working Together to Eliminate Malaria in Uganda
World Malaria Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about malaria and how, with everyone's contribution, from individuals and communities to the provincial and national levels, it can be controlled and eventually eliminated...

MCD Staff Member, Partner Initiative Receive Awards from Maine Public Health Association
The Maine Public Health Association (MPHA) recently announced this year’s Public Health Award winners...

Behavioral Health Teletherapy Program Supports Elementary and Junior-Senior High School Students in Rural Washington County, Maine
A behavioral health teletherapy program is changing the way students access behavioral health services in rural Washington County, Maine...

Using Advocacy, Compassion, and Empathy for Better Outcomes for Women
Maria Rodriguez-Castro had issues being heard as a woman in the medical community, leading her to become an advocate for others who find themselves struggling to have their voices heard in similar settings...

Not Being Left Behind No Matter the Circumstance
Drusilla Blakey sees International Women’s Day as a time to encourage everyone to be a champion for equity, especially equity for minority women...

Take Charge and Express Yourself Without Fear
RAZAFIMAHEFA Mialy, the finance and administrative manager for a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) project in Madagascar, has worked at MCD Global Health since 2002 and sees International Women’s Day as a reminder to always respect women’s voices and ideas no matter the setting or location...

Unlearn and Deconstruct Biases to Embrace Gender Equity
Makara Pollard sees International Women’s Day as a moment to reflect on her accomplishments and goals...

First-of-its-Kind, Gamified e-Learning Platform Teaches Children Importance of Dental Health
MCD Global Health recently launched the new Children’s Oral Health e-Learning Platform (COHELP), an interactive way for children to learn about oral health...

MCD Announces Kimberly Hirsh as New Director of Human Resources
MCD is pleased to announce Kimberly Hirsh as MCD’s new director of Human Resources (HR)...

Celebrating National Children's Dental Health Month with Annual Poster Contest
MCD Global Health works with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to improve the oral health of children across the State of Maine...

Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project Reaches More Women in Equatorial Guinea, Achieving 148% of 2022 Goal
Cervical cancer is preventable and curable if detected early and managed effectively; however, it is the fourth most common form of cancer among women worldwide with the highest burden in sub-Saharan Africa countries...

MCD Leads USAID Malaria Capacity Program in Mozambique
MCD Global Health (MCD) is honored to announce the U...

Join MCD Global Health at APHA’s Conference
From November 6–9, the annual American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference will take place in Boston, Massachusetts, bringing attendees back together in person for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began...

Join MCD Global Health at ASTMH’s Conference
From October 30 through November 3, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) annual meeting will take place in Seattle, Washington, bringing attendees back together in person for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, with a livestream option for those who cannot join in person...

Strength through Connection: Advancing Careers in Recovery Through Personal Experience
Living and raising her four children in the same house that she grew up in, Kristen Webster wants to give back to her small, rural community of Farmington, Maine...

Podcast: Increasing Access to Dental Care Through Telehealth Technology
About four out of 10 Maine children didn't have consistent dental coverage in 2020, and about half the children who do have coverage are not using their dental benefits...

Annual Indoor Residual Spraying Activity Concludes on Bioko Island
June 30 marked the end of the annual indoor residual spraying activity on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, one of the key interventions for eliminating malaria...

Improving Quality of Care in Private Health Facilities in Benin
The private sector in Benin plays a key role in the country’s health system, providing around 60% of care to the population back in 2019...

Streamlining OTSS with Digital Tool Improves Malaria Diagnostics in Guinea Health Facilities
Capacity building of malaria diagnosis within the Mali Prefectural Hospital’s Laboratory Department in Guinea has improved after implementing a streamlined, digital tool for conducting outreach training and supportive supervision (OTSS) rounds for malaria microscopy, implemented in all supervised labs in Guinea...

Group Antenatal Care Effects on Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy in Benin
In late 2020, the U...

Helping Pregnant Women Protect Themselves from Malaria in Zambia
It is a sunny day at St...

MCD Elects New Chair of Board of Directors
Timothy Allen has been elected as the new chair of MCD Global Health’s (MCD) Board of Directors, replacing Evelyn Kieltyka, who served as chair for the past five years...

Healthy Lincoln County Receives Grant to Improve Collaboration and Food Security
MCD’s Healthy Lincoln County (HLC), a public health program in Lincoln County, Maine, that focuses on substance use prevention, food insecurity, and nutrition education, has been awarded a grant of $25,000 from the John T...

Mental Health is Public Health: MCD Programs Seek to Improve Mental Health in Maine
In 2019, 13...

World Hand Hygiene Day: Hand-Washing with Soap is No Longer Optional
COVID-19 and the resurgence of diseases has impacted the health of billions of people...

Combating Insect-Borne Diseases in Maine and Africa
If you enjoy the outdoors in Maine, then you know the threat posed by ticks of transmitting Lyme disease, an illness caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria carried by infected deer ticks...

MCD Leading UNICEF Project to Achieve Universal Access to WASH in Madagascar
MCD Global Health was selected by UNICEF to implement a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) project assisted by its partner Mavila, a local non-governmental organization, in Madagascar...

MCD Joins JSI Consortium to Implement Newly Awarded Malaria Reduction Project
MCD Global Health is proud to be part of a consortium, led by John Snow Inc...

Celebrating Women at MCD: Meet Carolina Amadu Muana
MCD is celebrating Women’s History Month and the International Day of Women this month by highlighting women who work at MCD across different projects, countries, and divisions...

Celebrating Women at MCD: Meet Lucy Castro
MCD is celebrating Women’s History Month and the International Day of Women this month by highlighting women who work at MCD across different projects, countries, and divisions...

Celebrating Women at MCD: Meet Stephanie Portillo
MCD is celebrating Women’s History Month and the International Day of Women this month by highlighting women who work at MCD across different projects, countries, and divisions...

Maine CDC, MCD Global Health Raise Awareness on Children’s Dental Health with Poster Contest
Sherry Laliberte, a dental hygienist who works at MCD Global Health, conducts dental screenings at numerous Maine elementary schools...

MCD to Launch New HPV Vaccination Campaign in Equatorial Guinea
MCD Global Health (MCD) is starting a new phase for its Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment (CCST) project in Equatorial Guinea later this year...

MCD, Maine CDC Work Together to Support HIV/AIDS Programs
Around the world, significant progress has been made on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, but there is still work to do to end the HIV pandemic...

MCD Awarded Federal Grant to Improve Access to Telehealth in Rural Maine
Medical Care Development’s domestic public health division (MCDPH) is one of three organizations in Maine that will share a $730,510 Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant from the U...

Don’t Miss MCD International’s Presentations at ASTMH 2021
From November 17-21, the annual American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting (ASTMH) will take place virtually at a time when global health is more important than ever...

Strengthening Private Health Facilities to Improve LIfe-Saving Care for Mothers and Babies
Since 2019, MCD International (MCDI) has supported the Ministry of Health to strengthen Beninese capacity to improve the quality standards and increase the quantity of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) products and services offered by the private health sector in Benin...

Success of RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine Paves the Way for Next Generation PfSPZ Vaccine for Malaria Elimination
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently endorsed the widespread use of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine for children in Sub-Saharan Africa and in other regions with moderate to high malaria transmission...

MCD Develops Online Trainings for OUT Maine’s Professional Development for Youth-Serving Practitioners
MCD Public Health (MCDPH) is working with OUT Maine, a statewide nonprofit working to make communities more welcoming, affirming, and inclusive for Maine’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, or questioning (LGBTQ+) youth...

MCD Receives $1.3 Million Grant to Expand Behavioral Health Services in Rural Maine
Medical Care Development’s public health division (MCDPH), headquartered in Augusta, Maine, received a three-year grant to expand behavioral health care services in rural Maine through education, training, and mentorship programs...

MCD and the University of New Hampshire Launch Regional Collaborative to Advance Rural Health Excellence and Equity
A new online virtual learning program will soon offer support to health care providers in rural and underserved communities of New England and New York...

Healthy Lincoln County Receives Funding from Good Shepherd Food Bank to Combat Food Insecurity
Healthy Lincoln County (HLC), a program of MCD, has received a two-year $110,000 grant from Good Shepherd Food Bank (GSFB) to establish a community connector position that will serve communities in Lincoln County, Maine...

Nurse Helps Mitigate Spread of COVID-19 on Bioko Island
Carolina Gutiérrez was a nurse at the primary hospital in Malabo, the capital city on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, soon found herself on the frontline when cases of COVID-19 rapidly increased on the island in 2020...

MCD Public Health's Co-Director Selected to Serve on Maine Connectivity Authority's Board of Directors
In July, Maine Governor Janet Mills swore in the Board of Directors for the Maine Connectivity Authority, a new state entity charged with achieving universal availability of high-speed broadband in Maine...

New MCD/MSH-Peru Joint Venture launches free Covid-19 eLearning module for Perú
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on Peru's population, resulting in one of the highest reported excess death rates in the world...

MCD's Board Chair Receives Leaders and Luminaries Spotlight Award
Medical Care Development is honored that Camden National Bank has recognized Evelyn Kieltyka, the chairperson of MCD's Board of Directors as a recipient of its 2020 Leaders & Luminaries Spotlight Award for the invaluable contribution she has made to the short- and long-term sustainability of MCD...

It’s Not About Changing, But Making People Agents of Change
Central in MCD’s mission – to improve the health and wellbeing of people worldwide – is ensuring no one is left behind...

Progress in Gabon on Social Determinants of HIV/AIDS
Priority populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM) and injecting drug users (IDU) are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS...

The Fruits of Labor: World Toilet Day 2020
Andodabe, a Madagascar municipality within the Toamasina II district, marked this World Toilet Day 2020 by commemorating the completion of its seven-year journey to open defecation free (ODF) status...

Water is Personal Protective Equipment
How can you avoid COVID-19, when you lack safe water with which to clean your hands or surfaces? Communities around the world are seriously grappling with this question as the COVID-19 pandemic imperils global water supplies and nurtures a growing humanitarian crisis in populations who lack consistent access to water as well as sanitation...

MCD's CEO & President served as a judge for the 2020 P3 Impact Awards
Recognizing exemplary cross-sector collaboration that feature public, private, nonprofit or non-governmental organizations addressing societal challenges...

Noble Energy recognizes MCD's COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response support in Equatorial Guinea
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been working with Noble Energy to ensure Worker Safety and maintain productivity on-site...

The Parallel Pandemic
There are various roles that community health workers can adopt in combating the spread of the coronavirus...

MCD's statement concerning the killing of Black people in the U.S.
Medical Care Development, Inc...

Bénin - Assainissement: Reprise des déclenchements communautaires en ATPC au sein du PAPHyR
Avec la levée du cordon sanitaire au Bénin, et la réouverture des écoles secondaires le 11 mai dernier, le risque de propagation de la COVID-19 de la partie méridionale du pays vers les zones d’intervention du programme est accrue...

Un réseau d’Organisation Non Gouvernementale mobilisé pour renforcer la prévention et la lutte contre le COVID-19 à Madagascar
La lutte contre le COVID-19 à Madagascar n’est pas seulement une responsabilité du Gouvernement ni du personnel de santé car elle implique la solidarité de tous et la mobilisation de tout un chacun...

MCDI Malaria Warriors Series Presents: Elizabeth Lucas Nyakarungu
Elizabeth Lucas Nyakarungu works in the Bagamoyo Research and Training Centre (BRTC) at the Ifakara Health Institute, as well as manages the Baney Research Laboratory in Equatorial Guinea (EG)...

Dr. Ratsirarson raconte sa visite au Bénin le mois dernier
>Du 16 au 23 Février 2020, Dr...

MCDI and Climate Foundation among top 100 proposals for MacArthur $100 Million Grant
The John D...

Maine Company Wins U.S. Department of State Award for Fighting Malaria
Maine-based global public health nonprofit, Medical Care Development Inc...

Medical Care Development and Partners Awarded the US State Department's 2019 P3 Impact Award
On September 24th, Medical Care Development (MCD) CEO and President, Dr...

University Students Visit Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project
Through a Global Praxis grant from George Mason University (GMU), six students and one professor will be visiting project sites of MCDI's Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project (BIMEP) from May 24 through June 2...

Medical Care Development welcomes Dr. Joséa Ratsirarson as new Director of the International Division
Medical Care Development, Inc...

Intern Profile: Summer 2019 BIMEP Intern, Ngozi Chukwueke
This summer, Ngozi Chukwueke, a rising senior at the University of South Carolina, will be joining MCDI as an intern under our Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project (BIMEP) in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea...

MCDI Participates in Madagascar's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Week 2019
From March 5-7, Medical Care Development International (MCDI)'s Fonds d'Appui pour l'Assainissement (FAA) project (funded by the Global Sanitation Fund) participated in Madagascar's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Week 2019 in Antananarivo, Madagascar...

MCDI Joins Inauguration of Baney Research Center
On February 20, MCDI participated in the inaugural ceremony of the Baney Research Center, a hospital and research laboratory complex in the Baney District of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea...

MCDI Hosts World AIDS Day Event in Gabon
On Saturday, December 1, World AIDS Day, MCDI's Improved Integrated Maternal and Neonatal Survival through Malaria and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Gabon project participated in a screening event in Tchibanga, Gabon...

MCDI Photo Wins Second Place in WSSCC Photo Contest
On November 20, 2018, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) announced that MCDI's Aimé Randriamanalina won second place in their World Toilet Day Champion photo challenge...

MCDI to Present 26 Abstracts at 2018 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting
Medical Care Development International (MCDI) is pleased to announce that 26 abstracts will be presented as either oral or poster presentations at the 2018 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual (ASTMH) Meeting...

USAID ARM3 Project Celebrates Seven Years of Success in Malaria Prevention and Control in Benin
On May 31, 2018 MCDI celebrated seven years of success of the USAID Accelerating the Reduction of Malaria Morbidity and Mortality (ARM3) program in Benin via a joint open house with the Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health (ANCRE) program led by URC...

USAID Awards Global Contract to PSI, MCDI and Partners to Advance Malaria Service Delivery in 28 Countries
Medical Care Development International (MCDI) is excited to announce that it is a member of a partnership that has been successfully awarded a new contract by USAID to support the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) to Advance the Progress of Malaria Service Delivery (APMSD) in 28 malaria-affected countries...

New Article Highlights Continued Success of Bioko Island Malaria Control Project
On February 5, Malaria Journal published "Trends in parasite prevalence following 13 years of malaria interventions on Bioko island, Equatorial Guinea: 2004–2016," written by Jackie Cook of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine based on survey data from the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP)...

MCDI Launches Integrated HIV/AIDS, Malaria Project in Gabon
Medical Care Development International (MCDI) has launched a project for Improved Integrated Maternal and Neonatal Survival through Malaria and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Gabon...

MCDI Participates in MalariaCare Closeout Meeting
On September 20, 2017, MCDI home office and field staff participated in MalariaCare's close out conference at PATH's D...

MCDI Granted Contract Extension for Performance-Based Financing Project in Lesotho
July 1, 2017 marked a renewed start of the Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) Performance-Based Financing (PBF) project funded by the World Bank and the Government of Lesotho, and implemented by the MCDI and HealthNet TPO Joint Venture, who act as the Performance Purchasing Technical Assistance (PPTA)...

Medical Care Development Inc. Announces Company Restructuring to Focus on Global Public Health
Medical Care Development Incorporated (MCD) is pleased to announce its organizational restructuring that focuses the company exclusively on global public health, taking effect on July 1, 2017...

MCD Public Health Hosts Northeast Telehealth Resource Center Regional Conference 2017

MCDI Launches Cervical Cancer Corner in Equatorial Guinea
On April 21, 2017 the Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment (CCST) Corner was launched at Malabo Regional Hospital on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea...

PAPHyR holds celebration for its first village declared Open Defecation Free
MCDI’s Improved Access and Hygiene Practices in Rural Areas Program (PAPHyR) in Benin celebrated its first village to reach Open Defecation Free (ODF) status...

MCDI awarded contract as the "External Evaluation Agency" for World Bank Performance-Based Financing Health Sector Support Project in the Central African Republic
Medical Care Development International (MCDI) is pleased to announce the award of a one year contract as the External Evaluation Agency (EEA) for the Health System Support Project (PASS) in the Central African Republic (CAR) implemented by the Government of the CAR with funding from the World Bank...

Workshop on Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment held in Equatorial Guinea
As part of the activities of the MCDI Equatorial Guinea Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project (EG-CCST), a training of trainers' workshop on Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid and use of Cold Coagulation for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Pre-Cancerous Lesions was held from February 27 to March 3, 2017 in Malabo Regional Hospital, Equatorial Guinea...

U.S. Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea visits the Baney Clinical Research Center
The clinical investigation continues at the Baney research facility on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea where the country's second trial of the Sanaria's PfSPZ® malaria vaccine is being conducted...

EGMVI Second Clinical Trial Begins
The Equatorial Guinea Malaria Vaccine Initiative (EGMVI) Consortium that MCDI is a part of successfully vaccinated the first volunteers in the second clinical trial of the PfSPZ Vaccine in Equatorial Guinea earlier this week...

MCDI and its Partners Launch New USAID Project "Engaging Communities in Responding to Zika in Guatemala and El Salvador"
Medical Care Development International (MCDI) jointly with the Guatemalan Red Cross, the Salvadoran Red Cross, and in collaboration with the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (COMISCA), is pleased to announce the launch of USAID’s “Engaging Communities in Responding to Zika in Guatemala and El Salvador” project...
EGMVI inaugurates clinical investigation center
On October 28, 2016 in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Equatorial Guinea Malaria Vaccine Initiative (EGMVI) inaugurated a temporary clinical investigation center in the community of Baney and officially launched its second malaria vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea...

MCDI Shares PADNET Lessons Learned at AFPHA Conference
From September 5th through 9th, Dr...

MCDI Launches Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Pilot Project in Myanmar
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in Myanmar among women aged 15 to 44, which ranks 18th globally with a mortality rate of 15 out of 100,000...

First three volunteers successfully injected with PfSPZ Vaccine under MCDI’s Equatorial Guinea Malaria Vaccine Initiative
On Saturday, March 7, 2014, after nearly a year of preparations, and two years of work, the first three volunteers were successfully injected with the PfSPZ Vaccine at La Paz Medical Center, Sipopo...

Launch of the Maternal and Neonatal Health Performance Based Financing in Leribe, Lesotho
The official launch of the Maternal and Neonatal Health Performance Based Financing (MNH-PBF) project for the Leribe District took place on December, 11th 2014 at the grounds of Louis Gerard Health Centre in the village of Likhakeng, Leribe...

BIMCP Launches Mass top-off Bed-Net Distribution Campaign in Bioko Island
A behavioral health teletherapy program is changing the way students access behavioral health services in rural Washington County, Maine...